This is not writing 

No! this is not writing. 
This words are 
Tears written in ink
Every word is a tear
Drop of a broken soul.

No! This is not writing. 
This is the tale of a 
Thousand souls. 
Used and left for dead.

No! This is not writing.
This is the gospel of the haunted.
The ones whose only sin 
Is what was planted on their chests
And a pathway that "causes men to sin"

No!  This is not writing. 
The daughters of Eve are 
Tired, they bleed.
This pain has gone from 
Just the pink days to the days that have day in them. 

No! This is not writing.
Writing would be to tell
Lies from the top of my 
Head, it would be to filter the truth. 
This truth cannot be filtered.

No! writing doesn't hurt like this. 
This is pain that words 
On ink cannot fully paint. 
Today, I am not an 
Artists swishing my brush around and trying 
To paint a picture. 

This is not writing, 
This is not the work of an artiste. 
This is a broken soul bleeding on an already 
Wrecked artwork.

No! Today, I am not 
A writer, today I am
One of the thousands 
In the statistics of 
Flowers that withered before they were able to bloom.
No! It's not writing 
This is my pain in ink. 



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