The Unending Search For inner Peace.

It just sad that people won't know the struggle you're facing 

They'll only see your face and be saying you're enjoying 

I ask enjoying what?
The struggle 

The hustle 

The pain
The stress

The hurt

The tears.
They believe your smile is one in a million, the issue is you smile because you mustn't weep
You smile to numb the pain 

We smile to hide the hurt 

We smile to curb the stress
We smile to show we are alive

We smile to show we not going down yet

We smile to live
It the sign of our strength 

The sign to show we will keep trudging
A sign of life in us

A sign to show that we haven't given up yet
We'd be crown king soonest 

We'd outlive our sweat 

We will be lions
Some dragons

Some eagles

We would cover the face of the earth with our names
We'd pass the skies and keep soaring high 

We'd move mountains with our names 

We'd shake the earliest Earth with our wits.

Then we would say

We came

We saw

We conquered.

©Tha-Dragon🐉 x Sam.


Old but gold🖤


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