Let the dawn birth mists,
ashen clouds,
beaming auroras,
indispensable lights
that remind me of our love.

lobsters, oysters,
thick thighs and French fries
bright smiles worth exploring
over white sheets.

And more music,
solemn musings, glances
across a dim bath glass,
water spatters
pelting a symmetric hourglass figure.

Salmon, spice, a sailing holiday yatch
silk, purple velvet, hazel eyes
like Queen Victoria's,
witnessing blue waters, sprouting palms
from sheer cliff walls.

Cities, robins flying into the horizon
pearly white teeth, scents of a burnet rose
mountains, hills, endless heights
and charming coastal settlements
dotted with swimming swans.

Burgundy, musing on the sunrise gleaming on London streams
the transporting yellow sunset,
the fireplace burning bright, sweet designs on the chandelier
while we dance under the stars in the skies
of Paris.

© 'Jọba


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