Rain cascades down my bedroom window, 
as salty tears trickle down my face;
wind howling, pulling by the roots
whatever stands in its way,
making me wish I could do the same
to any obstacle that blocked my path. 

I think the rain knows my thoughts, 
my fears, insecurities, all of it,
captures it all in how it seems
the sky is crying, for all its children 
who have been abused.

But rain can never know, 
that it drowned my voice
while he pinned my arms to my side, 
forcefully thrusting into 
my underdeveloped vagina; 
that its accompanying flashes of lightning 
became extra illumination as I was defiled;
that its torrential flow wasn't enough
to wash off the blood, or the trauma,
the price I paid for someone else's lust; 
that the rumbling thunder 
reminds me of the raspy voice
that filled my ears after each encounter 
saying, "Don't tell Mummy."



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