In search for a better identity
Away from friends and family
He found his spot in a land unknown
A home away from home.

Empty bowel, teary eyes,
Runny nose, salty mouth,
His gaze combed the skies
As he cried- heart, eye, nose and mouth.

He felt like ranting,
Screaming, sending out echoes through the earth.
For why, at first,
Did it accept his being
When it had no shilling 
With which he could fulfill his dreams?

But by chance,
He caught a glance.
He saw the whole world
In a small ball
Dancing implacably before him.

His tears dried up
When he beheld the seas
Glittering within the globe
Flowing to and fro, in their blues.
For in their beauty,
He found a reason to smile.

Seeing his future
Bouncing in the riches of nature,
He got to understand,
That he was the main character,
Of a narrative, written by the Father:
The brunt of a divine comedy.

From within, he heard silence speak to him
That his life was a building
Of an extraordinary palace
And it requires more time and effort
Than that of a bungalow.

Then, It was etched on his heart
That there is more to a bubble
Than a broomstick, soap and water.



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