Whatever lays in my thoughts,
No matter how dark it is,
As the breath on the lips of death,
Or the stain of suppressed memories,
Or the edge of Fire itself,
As it roars in anger,
Or cackles in content,
They all stay in my mind.
And whatever you see,
Or hear,
Or feel from me,
My actions or inactions,
Is a mirage -
A fallacious concept birthed in the fiery pit of lies.

You can think back,
Try to remember
What I first told you,
The message I passed across,
With the seduction in my silver blue eyes,
Or the allure you found in my half - buttoned shirt,
The way your heart skipped when I licked my lips,
Drowning you in heat from my gaze,
Or when I told you I loved the way you smiled,
"Well damn! That's certainly the brightest smile I've ever been blessed to witness. Thank you".
Lies. Lies.
Oh well,
The Jig is up.
All these might be my feeble attempt to tell the truth,
But you'll never be sure now, will you?
Maybe I've fallen for you.
And I'm trying to protect you.
From myself,
These ancient, ragged and worn out demons
That rage with malicious intent -
Slicing necks with precision and enjoying the process,
Breaking hearts in cold blood,
Burning the pieces and licking the ashes.
Leaving everyone destroyed,
Broken pawns on my chessboard.
Oh well..

  -- ©Joey_🔥

And Ye shall know the truth,
And the truth shalt make thee mad.


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