A kid asked me after seeing in the news 
Why do men rape?
Another asked if it was a crime to be female?
I sighed this is what our society has achieved
I said because not all men are men 
Some are the demons we raise prayer points for in church
I never thought of a world 
Where I would think of adding self defense classes to my sisters school curriculum 

Forgive me 
But I might not be there 
For the respect ought to have been delegated to these women is taken from them 
How did our help mate meet such fate?
How do we describe to our young ones that they aren't safe to walk alone 
If we don't judge the owner of a beautiful house when he was robbed for having such a house 
If we dont judge the owner of a classic car for having a classic car and yet being robbed 
Then why in Heavens name are we judging them for what they wear?
How did we get to objectifying that which bleed and breathe like us 

How did we get here?
Where skin color is now a death sentence 
When all lives matter is just a protest to their protest 
Where a black man get killed for being unharmed 
And a white man gets burger for taking lives 
The world is hurting 
Yet its wards ain't learning 
Hell is empty 
And the devils are amidst us 
Police brutality! Rape! Murder!

The blood thirsty demons are here 
And we look at them like humans
But only them see their selves for what they truly are...
How will the world heal when those 
That bear within them the power 
To birth is been giving a gift of death 
We kill them with our eyes as they walk 
We kill them with a perky smile when eyes meet 
You claim you appreciate them 
Yet you desolate them
And you shy away when it's time to stand for them 

The Son of God said He stands at the door and knock
Son of man said He sees and take 
What an irony!
We are sorry 
For we were meant to shield you from the terror of the world 
But how ?
How can we shield you 
When some has decided to bear a thorn of shield 
How can we be there for you 
When some have decided to take what was never theirs?




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