I've been here before,
Finding solace in my thoughts,
The quickening of my heartbeats,
As I hide in the high coursing in my veins.
When I see the darkness beckon to me,
As I set down the syringe,
The screams and cries of lost souls,
Amidst the fluttering pages,
Dim lights,
Sound of my guitar,
And songs in tears.

Fact, I've been here half my life,
Ten years, feels like Two Thousand.
Have you ever felt out of place with yourself?
Just a little more,
A mixture of colours,
A sprinkle of smiles,
Little brush strokes of 'I'm fine' and unfinished statements,
Painted on the surface with battered hands,
A dash of red, black, more,
But all you get is an unfinished piece on a broken canvas,
Drowning in it's own tears and dust?
Hung like a Jewel at the Centre of The Museum,
But feeling like an alien at home?

"Mind over matter!",
"Quiet! Please! Leave me alone!" -
My anthem when the voices cackle,
Leaving me in a pool of my own blood.
"How come you're all nobody wants?"
"you can't even kill yourself properly"
How useless can you be!?
I couldn't answer the questions.
XAnd to think all this all started when I...




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