I'm up from my slumber -
For plenty are my woes,
boundless is my sorrow,
My soul brim with tears,
And my heart with despair.

Should I lengthen in sleep,
And watch my life shatter in pieces?
Should I truck on with my pillow,
And have my existence cut aback?
I know of my dilemma;
How vast and wide it is.
But, who has got the formula,
A lasting solution in this can of worms.

This thought never leaves,
It paints me a purple life
In the Dreamland,
And besiege my daytime with darkness.
This thought - A blur to reality,
building castles in the air.

It's 3am Again,
And this misery brought me up again,
It sets me a cinema;
So in this darkness and solitude,
I could have a glimpse of tragedy,
A play of my own life!



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