It about a write up, a poem you'd say
A poem about never having sex again
Yes never having sex again 
It's not a figure of speech 
It exactly what it sounds like
Pains of motherhood
Hurt of pregnancy
Product of copulation
Gift of life
Seed of marriage
...start of a farmily
Excruciating feelings yet so loveable
Pardon I side tracked
I mean to write about the writer--
Not the written
A young beautiful lady Diddie
Of no equal; a rarity at that
A gifted writer with plushy poems
Which made me all mushy...mushy 
A write up Which got me all light up
We feelings words can't put up
Long write up I hate
But took my time to read 
Word for word
Piece apiece
Line by line
Stanza by stanza
Savouring an excellent piece.

© Muhammed IV


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