Where am I,
Who I am,
What I am,
Where I'm headed,
What the issue is,
Why the pain is so excruciating,
I really don't know.

I've always wanted to give people a taste, of what they give me, so that they can experience what it feels like.
 Is it love, or pain, or regret, or shame, just have a taste, or even a drop, open your mouth, allow me.

I am who I am
You are who you are
You did what you did
I felt how i felt
You said what you said
I drank it all in;
Because like a sponge 
I've been thought to absorb.
Taught to absorb, pain
Don't let them see
Cover up, shh, it's your shame.

Different strokes for different folks they say, 
I learn very fast you see, and i've learnt a lot.
I even practiced magic, how to fulfill wishes, for those who ask.
I have become the fairy godmother of your life.
I would always walk away, because that's what you thought of me.

Remember how I kept saying please,
How I was at your knees
Asking why,
Still you turned, not looking back,
Not even saying bye.

Everything I do, I learnt, everyone I met, always had something to teach me, walking away was a constant extra lesson.
So before you do, I will
You weren't my first teacher, and if there's one reassuring thing, you would never be the last.



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