Growing up,
Those lessons learnt,
The ones that shaped life as it is,
The believe we tend to develop as we grow,
The love we give freely,

Growing up,
Those days of pain,
The one that made you swore,
Never to give anyone advantage in your life again,
The tears shed during those days,

Growing up,
The laughter with friends,
Playing under the rain,
Street football, PlayStation games,
Catch and release, police and thief,

Growing up,
No more give me your hand,
Aunty please,
No more, go and kneel down from seniors,
Or what are you doing outside?
From principals,

Growing up,
Wise words from your father,
Tender love from your mother,
Strength from your brothers,
Understanding from experience,

Growing up,
Not all everyone you love cares about your existence,
Not saying f*** my haters,
Rather living and showing,
With or without them,
Wetin go be, go be,

Growing up,
Love shared is love at its best,
Knowing that words linked everything,
For they show what is, what would be,
What could be, what should be,

Growing up,
Life has its ways of messing with lives,
Do you drown within its currents?
Or ride the waves and surf higher,

Growing up,
Time waits for no one,
For even growing doesn't wait for time,
Age isn't a definition of growth,
Growing up is an all-round development,
Of oneself,

For me,
I'm not even done growing.

© Tha-Dragon 🐉


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