One after the other, meaningless conceptualities start to trickle into my mind-
A cesspool formed from the effects of your careful avoidance.
Every thought I've been forced to form for you
has led to this.
Irregularities force me to take a step back,
Discrepancies force me to pause for a minute,
And so I seek solace in compartmentalization-
selective representation.
This is what it has come to-
Feeble attempts to separate the grains from the shaft.
You ever lose the urge to meddle in mundanities?
And you cannot for the life of you, be bothered with uniformity?
But for some reason, I started to care about what you thought
And started to see invisible flaws in me.
Countless times, we tried to follow in your footsteps,
While we could barely see the ground in front of us,
So we lost our identity,
And struggled to breathe.
We don't know for how long we ran out of breath,
It is something we are used to.
In this black hole, time loses its meaning,
It never really had any,
But we lost our fragile hold on reality,
Lost our connection to humanity, individuality,
And every conscious thought of ours became one of yours,
For we sought to please you, obey your every whim.
Hence, we struggle to be reintegrated into society.




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