Day 8 : all I wanted.
Dysphoria taints the dotted lines
of our existence.
Why do we seek to paint the clouds
with our feelings and little idiosyncrasies?
...the nuances of our characters.
How does mine come to be influenced by you and yours?
We have come to see you as a mentor,
through the disjointed connections I made with reality.
...all I wanted in that moment
was to love and be loved.
For how long shall we plead and ask?
For how long shall we pretend to be sane?
Before our ancestors add
their voices to the cacophony of ours.
Just because we were born with a hole or two
more than you,
Does not make us less.
So we say, so she says,
So they said.
Show us then, show us.
Show us how to be loved,
And love rightly,
By you.
Do not make us less,
Do not make me less,
For loving you,
Without choice and thought.



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