You look really beautiful, and I like your smile, It radiates hope, mum told me your name was June, HI June.
So I just thought of writing a few things to you, and maybe give you my wish list? Of course; that's if you don't mind.
I'LL be writing a lot of letters, this is the first.
A lot has happened; June, a lot. It all began when February came to visit, she left quite angry, had a fight with march, and murdered April. "Mother may" came, made it a little better; but still what February did can never be forgotten.
Personally, I have been through a lot; June. I lost a lot of people, I broke down, but "mother may"  came, made it a little better, and I'm a little stronger. 
June I don't want anything much from you, but I want to ask for 5 things;
…...Bring along with you the gift of justice.
…...Let the hope you've brought spread round.
…..June, please release your pixie dust of strength, love, joy and peace, we need it, I need it.
…...Please keep cupid out of my way, again, "mother may" kept his pranks away from me, she protected me well, please shield me, shield others like me, both gender, we deserve better.
Lastly June….. I love you okay, we do, I do, be nice, I kinda trust you, We all do.



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