Trudging down to winding road, 
the waterside, just a stone's throw, 
she's kept her promise, there she is, 
arms around her torso like a protective shield,
staring over at something I now see. 
Twas but a striking lass, Madonna-like, 
sleek legs, flat belly, you know, all the works. 
Anyways, my quarry's here, so here I go,
I poke her, "Penny for your thoughts?", I ask.

I'm brought out of my trance by a nudge,
My eyes trailed away from the 'Riri-like' body I was staring at.
Glancing up to meet the worried eyes of Bukunmi,
My thoughts flooding in with the rush of my pain.
"My thoughts,
Today's thoughts are my crown of insecurities.
The nostalgia my skin gives me,
And how unlike others I can't revel in body type", I said.
But I didn't need to, 
My eyes held my pain as it met his.

Even before she lifts those lips, 
she's spoken a ton with those pain-filled eyes, 
but still, I listen, and grasp every word,
one deep sigh is all that fills my throat. 
I let it out, and begin with one sentence. 
"Meat sacks, that's what we all are in the end"

A soft laugh escapes my lips at his last statement,
He is after all trying to make me feel better.
I, however continue to wallow,
"I'm 17, I'm not what you'll call a plus size, 
Yet I can't worship the ground I walk on.
I give off an aura that's says I'm a boss, yet in my room I feel lost.
I destest owning a mirror or a scale for fear I go off the edge.
The curves men worship, I detest.
Am I normal or just too sensitive?", I ask on the brink of tears.

The workings of a laugh leave her lips, 
she's someone who deserves to be happy. 
She recounts those tales that clog her heart,
and I decide to chip in a little bit. 
"Worship is for gods, but you're mortal. 
Feeling lost is a prerequisite to finding the right path.
Mirrors only lie to those who look into them. 
Normal, sensitive, all's just being human".

He sings a tune that warms my heart,
He's not trying to fix me nor be a Romeo.
No crappy "you're beautiful", when all I'm going to see is what I see.
Yet he reassures me,
Clothes my very being in comfort,
The comfort that what I feel is normal,
All I am is human.
Maybe I should love the goddess they see,
But take pride in the mortal I am.

I give her another once-over and sigh, 
she's placated today, but she'll still brood, I know. 
I pray she sees through my eyes someday, 
that perfection isn't real, but she is,
and that's all that matters.
"Well, all in a day's work", I quip
The sun is over the hedges, and seen no more. 
"I'll be here again on the morrow.
Till then, let no one else have those thoughts."

The grin I wear broadens into a smile,
Knowing he made me feel better.
What is this I feel,
Do I miss him already?
Yet, I keep my thoughts within,
And bid him "Au revoir,
No! Not Au revoir,jusqu'à demain.
For I'll be waiting by the water side,
My thoughts waiting to be drawn out by no one but you."

© Natasha


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