Wearing a thousand faces
For a thousand different people.
Mixed feelings and identity crisis,
Letting go and letting down,
Sinking deep and drifting away.

When the different voices speak all at once,
Who do you say yes to?
Caught in a web of lies and hate,
In a bid to preserve the vulnerable,
And present a facade to the world.

A typical hypocrite,
Not by choice.
Talking about happy memories,
That never happened.
A cacophony of emotions and voices,
Begging to be released and heard.

A mad house,
In a mad head.
A jumble of words,
Expressing unlabeled feelings,
And choking emotions.

The mind ,
A house for hate and disgust
A storage for demons and bad memories.
Craving release in different ways.
Seeking refuge in incognito,
A state of non-existence while living.

All the million voices,
All the broken pieces,
Shattered hope,
Distorted existence.

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