I got trapped in my own pain
I got trapped in my own sadness
I got trapped in my own self pity
I got trapped in my own dark shell

I got stuck in a glass of dust
I got trapped in a shadowy road
I got lost in my once favorite hideaway
I got too far away from the light

I got trapped like a bird in a cage
I got trapped like boiling lava
I got trapped like voices that couldn't be shut
I got trapped like echoes that kept on echoing

A crack appeared on the glass of sadness
Followed by cracks and more cracks
A part of the dark side fell off bit by bit
The cage came down slowly then fast, like hard rain

Do I feel comfortable in the light?
Do I feel like I've achieved something?
Do I feel like I've got it all?
Do I feel like I'm no longer trapped?

Sadly, I want out of this light
Give me back my glassy cage
I think it looks prettier than the world outside
I've gotten so used to the dark, the light feels like burning acid

I want the sad
I want the pain
I want the hurt
And, I want the thorns and broken glasses
Not the *roses*

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