I lay bound in steel, clasped in fetters as I scream in sync to the sound of my pulsating heart.
I dance in the heartache, I frolic in the dark.
You tell me I'm damaged, I'm broken, I'm sick
Because the way I see the world continually twists.

I started to laugh in my solitary cell.
They think I'm mad? They must be as well
They say multiple personalities make me insane
That I am the one that switches,
while they stay the same

I rage because I am vexed, I cry when I feel hexed
I laugh when I think it's funny,
But you think you know best,
You wear a thousand masks, none reflecting what's beneath
Then you curse me from behind your well forged lies, because I air what I think.

I'm convinced you're mad, while I am sane
A thousand cases demand a thousand faces,
Yet all yours are the same...

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