First of all I must warn you.
This poem will not rhyme. This is because every word I have chosen, stems from a feeling so deep within that it would be heresy to replace them with mere synonyms.

I've wanted to say this for a while now,but I'll do it now.
Not because of courage, but every moment I spend apart from you is an eternity of pain.
I... like you.
From the way you talk, to the gentle rippling in your voice when you laugh.
From your smile that lights up a room, to your face that draws the brilliance of the morning sun to itself, refracting it in a beautiful rainbow, teaching me colors I never knew.
To the way your eyes shimmer like the oceans,
Calm and serene on the surface, but possessing such depth, with many hidden secrets and lost treasure within.

You are beautiful... No, you are Beauty in itself.
But it seems with all my descriptions and words,
I have seemed to only insult you.
For how can one with mortal tongue
Describe a perfect masterpiece?

To my immortal beloved,for whom my soul abides for.

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