I walked out on him,
I walked out on darkness,
And I felt nothing,
I've been losing touch,
With my innermost pain.

I've become not just lost,
But a numb creature.
I've held onto that anger,
For so long,
Now it's gone, I can't do anything.

I never believed he was part of me,
Till I realised he wasn't there,
Gone without a trace,
I have no idea,
Which route he took.

He was my drive,
He was my flame,
He was my pain,
He was pent up resentment,
From my younger years.

I feel he is lost forever,
Words don't seem to piece together no more,
I smile a lot than I used to,
I can't feel his presence,
It's like he never existed.

I can't feel the pain that was there,
Sometimes I wonder if I was meant to leave with him.

The Lost Dragon
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