I thought I was broken
But she was shattered

I thought I was hurt
But she was destroyed

I thought I felt pain
But she went through agony and misery

I thought I was used
But, she was used, played with and walked over

I thought I was depressed
But, but, I wasn't
She was the depressed one

I thought life was unfair to me
But, she didn't even know what life was like to start with

I thought I lost it all
But, she didn't even own a thing to begin with

I thought my story was sad and pathetic
But, have you listened to hers?
Have you?

I thought there actually was a prince charming coming for me
But, a fairytale whereby the prince charming was the one doing the hurting

I thought I've been through hell
But, she has been through hell, molten lava, bubbling volcano and back

I thought...

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