I once met a girl,
Her beauty radiates like the sun flower,
The nature echoes her goodness.
Lilly of the valley - I called her,
For she floats in elegance,
Her hair so golden,
Her smile enliven the dead.

Swiftly to her I went,
My handsomeness I parceled with courtesy,
Hello pretty - I said,
And with a grin she replied,
I thought she was caught,
In my web of affection -
Until my verse I rendered,
My song I sang,
My tales I told.

I'm in love - she said,
Rivers of joy danced through my heart,
My soul merried in vanity,
“I'm in love but not with you”
Then I know,
It's a good bad day,
Her love she sketched in royalty -
A queen for a king,
She called herself.

I'm a poet, I told her.
Your heart I will fashion with words,
Your head I will grace in goodness,
Vignette I will paint for you.
To her it all sounds cliché,
A tale of loss.

I once met a girl,
Who plays not game of cards,
Her heart betrothed to only one,
One pretty soul,
A paradigm of goodness she is,
For in love,
She turned me down,
But her love she hold dear!

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