Laughter and happiness used to be the lifestyle of the "wood-wicks". The parents were the real definition of "A LOT LIKE LOVE", at least from what they displayed.
They were the nicest family on the brooks street, with three beautiful amazing kids, their family was one to envy. Festive seasons used to be one to look forward to, because it was a great time and the house would be filled with family relations and even strangers that came to celebrate with them. Like every normal family, they had their down stormy moments; but it never lasted long, it disappeared as quickly as it came.
We are the wood-wicks, and I am a wood-wick.
 My siblings Kelly and Noah, pretty much annoying to me as I might be to them, but I love them so much despite. Today I'll tell you how darkness and doom swept light out of our home and the sadness that crept in slowly never left.

You know that saying, that , "whatever a person doesn't know, doesn't kill him", Well I wish mother never found out father was cheating on her with her best friend, and they have a kid together. I wish mother never found out father sexually abused myself and Kelley. Well I mean, it was good she found out and father was prosecuted, the judge passed the verdict of life imprisonment, but still I regret her ever knowing because mother has become a shadow of her own self, more like a walking corpse.

Kelly and I had to undergo therapy, because Kelly hasn't said a word since we left the courtroom six months ago. We lost Noah to the cold hands of death on the 19th December 2002, and I can still recall that morning, it was his 25th birthday, we had called to sing to him and wish him a happy birthday. We looked forward to him coming home for Christmas, I looked forward to it, I was happy he was going to be home for my 20th birthday, little did I know that was going to be the last time I would ever hear him speak.
 His laughter rang through the phone after teasing me,
"my little nut-wick, its okay I'll see you soon, you're just too stubborn to admit you miss me bee".
He knew how much I hated it when he called me nut-wick, "
arrghhh, Noah can you stop teasing me? Anyways come home quick I miss you".
He called me bee, my name was Bianca.
Right now I miss him, we miss him, mother misses him more and we needed him the most now.

 It rained cat and dog that morning, as mother sat on the marble floor in the sitting room, curled up as usual and wrapped up with a cup of coffee Kelly made for her by her side. I watched as tears escaped her eyes, mother was fast becoming a shaft.
She has been like this since I can remember, the house, so big and scary now. The laughter that once rang out had seized, the lights of love had dimmed.

I want to hold mother, but as i try to touch her I can't, she doesn't even look my way, and I can feel her slowly dying.
I make my way to Kelly’s room, where I see her curled up, looking like a small deflated ball with tears running down her cheeks and with the music player on the loudest, with N.Fs song
 "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE US", on replay.

Reaching out to touch Kelly, tears leave my eyes, but I can't touch Kelly too, my sister had already become a figment of her own imagination.
I couldn't touch mum or Kelly, because,
I was involved in a ghastly car accident, and had died on the spot. The only way to make Kelley turn to face me, standing in front of her, was by letting her glass cup fall, right in front of me, by the bed. She turned, and I looked at my sister for the very last time, before left.
The woods wicks slowly seized to exist,
The light in our home had been put out,
"So long, farewell".

Marigolds represents doom, that flower is a marigold
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