I remembered you today and it has opened the bottle of memories and feelings I tried to bury for months. 
These feelings are overwhelming but I am glad I have them back. 

Dear ****Licious ( like we call ourselves), 
I want to say this to your face but I can't so I will just write this in this letter and let the wind carry it.

I love you so so so much, I never imagined I would have this kind of feeling for anyone ever. 
I have tried my best to forget but I can't deceive myself anymore,I will always love you. 
I miss your smile, oh lord; that smile.
Everyday I watch and see that smile my deepest worries disappear. 
"How can you be real"?
God is really the master builder. 

Your existence on this earth is proof of God's love and blessing. Everyone that comes in contact with you can testify to this ( don't let your head swell and stop smiling ). 
And then there is your hug, oh Lord, you are soft like cotton but also firm. I miss your embrace so much, I do. 

Then there is your lips, 
I could kiss you for the rest of my life if I was given the chance, again.
I miss you, I have deleted all my social media app, because I kept looking at your pictures. 
I felt it was weird and I told myself it was wrong but I can't deceive myself anymore.

I can't stop loving you even if we don't talk anymore I will always love you.
Please never forget my promise to you when ever you are in need, 
I am always here ready to lend a helping hand, like I always did, I will always do.

Cheers to the pain and hurt, I'll be fine, and I hope you are too,
Love you so much.

Once yours


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