Another day, another hashtag, 
Another name being displayed on platforms and placards.
Another victim, another one gone,
And those meant to protect us 
Are the ones we need protection from. 

A brother is being knelt on,
Choked, abused and spat on.
"I can't breathe." A brother says,
And the ones meant to come to his aid 
Are the ones who made his a murder case. 

George Floyd never complained,
George Floyd didn't refuse to be restrained. 
George Floyd went along as they came,
George Floyd was murdered all the same.

Everyday I say a prayer, sometimes two,
So I have in advance for the days I forget to.
Everyday I'm scared to go out there
'Cause hell is empty, all the demons are out here. 

Everyday my sisters live in constant fear
'Cause no place is safe with rapists and savages everywhere.
Uwa went to church to read and even there,
She was raped, brutalized and was left for dead. 

When would this act of violence even end?
I'm sick and tired of seeing my kin dropping dead.
If they're not oppressing us, we're oppressing ourselves, 
What happened to loving your neighbor as your fucking self! 

In the end we are all humans, same and one. 
We shouldn't let skin color, gender, tribe and all
Separate us from the fact that we are one;
We are equals and we should treat one another 
And be respected as such. 

Black or white shouldn't matter at all,
Blood is red and the same flows through us all. 
Racism in it's entirety should be abolished 
And rape of all kinds should never be encouraged. 
Defaulters of any should be adequately punished 
And the dignity of the victims should never be tarnished. 

Women are not objects to be abused, 
Blacks are not untamed animals to be reduced. 
We are humans and you're a human too,
So please stop the violence. 
Protect me and I'd protect you. 



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