I know it!
The way I sound like a clown,
whenever I come up with history 
on how a Wise Master 
summoned money from the inside of a fish, 
how he turned well-water to wine,
And navigated the seas with His bare foot.

I get you!
Why should you receive Him? 
He cares for you?
Where was He 
when your empty bowels 
had to sing chants to your account balance
'cause it's figure remained 
a mirror image of your age?

What wrong have you done?
For, He seemed to be 
faithful to Father Abraham,
committed to King David.
What grades did Moses make to have deserved 
the face-glittering rare view of His glory?

The Lord is your Shepherd
so, you shall not want? 
Well, let's clear the deal.
This Shepard promised no goodie
to beings outside the sheep specie!
Hence, before you probe Him of a breach,
Are you a member of His league?
Are you a sheep?

Fifty trillion missed calls and still ringing.
He keeps dialing and you keep lingering.
His whole kingdom awaits your picking.
Take the step now, enough of thinking!

It's an invite into His goodie-bank.
It may not last forever.
Accept it NOW or NEVER!



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